What's it about?

Opticians have for years kept polishing pitch in electrified containers called “pitch pots” that keeps it in at an elevated temperature. The temperature is adjusted to achieve the desired pitch viscosity. When pitch is desired, the optician will remove the cover, reach into the pot and scoop out a glob of pitch with his hand. However, without thinking, most opticians will “fold over” or “push aside” the top layer of pitch to select pitch from deeper in the pot. This paper documents the change in temperature as the distance from the top surface increases. It also shows the effect of insulating the top cover.



When pitch is desired from a pitch pot, the optician will remove the cover, reach into the pot and scoop out a glob of pitch with his hand. However, without thinking, most opticians will “fold over” or “push aside” the top layer of pitch to select pitch from deeper in the pot. Why has this become an unconscious habit? Some will say that they want “fresh” pitch and that the top layer has “air aged’ or “out-gassed”. This paper documents our studies of the temperature gradients in the pitch pot...